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Business ideas that somehow failed...

5 639  
We all dream of becoming millionaires. Making a fortune is nothing like a piece of cake, though. You need to think of a product, then come up with a catchy name for it, then think over and plan your actions carefully... and still success is not guaranteed. Take these unlucky guys as a warning and a lesson ;)

Quality housing for older citizens that couldn’t attract retirees, despite the mirrored bedroom ceilings, the hot tubs, the adjacent burial plots and other amenities.

A Nevada brothel that offered self-service gasoline to its customers.

Cynic's Dictionary

8 213  
Meet more cynics ;)Wanna join our Monster Cynics’ Club? We are now accepting applications. How to do it? Just add your definition below :)

Two rows of artificial ivories that may be removed periodically to frighten one’s grandchildren or provide accompaniment to Spanish music.

A complex organic molecule characterized as the building block of life and appropriately shaped like a spiral staircase to nowhere.

Edible wood-pulp said to aid digestion and prolong life, so that we might enjoy another six or eight years in which to consume wood-pulp.

A stately manse occupied by transients who continually receive visitors but lack the energy and inclination to entertain them.

Top Ten Signs That It's Time To Do The Laundry

5 505  
Enter the Monster GalleryHow to tell whether it’s an urgent need or you can wait a couple of days more? Simply follow our user-friendly tips ;)

- You’re wearing your last pair of underwear in the shower consistently.

- You’ve worn your sheets to school because you can’t get them off of you.

- Your socks act like a shirt does when its heavily starched and emit a serious funk.

- Your roommate walks around wearing a full body medical suit like they did in the movie "Outbreak" to avoid catching the Ebola virus.

- The Snuggle Bear on the softener bottle officially died last week.

- The DEA’s drug sniffing dog is always coming by to sniff your laundry because the strong stench makes him think you have 28 tons of pot in your closet.

- Even after sewing 28 spring scented dryer sheets to the inside of your shirt, your friends still say you reek.

- The phrase "Wash Me" is visibly written in your jeans.

- Your red T-shirt is now green.

- The boss pulls you aside to remind you that your company’s casual days does not include your college graduation gown and scuba diving fins.

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